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Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive 


  • A targeted bio that will make you so clear on which parts of your story to focus on in your social media content to clearly communicate your expertise and attract compatible clients for this offer. VALUE $650 

  •  Copy that you can repurpose to pitch your offer successfully in your social content, emails, livestreams and events. VALUE $2000. 

  •  *LIMITED TIME BONUS* a full page graphic web design of your sales page on your site so that your link is ready to share and start making sales for you. VALUE $1500. 
  •  A recording of our 90 minute 1:1 strategy call where we’ll outline the key brand stories that make you a very obvious and desirable choice for your most compatible soul client (I’ll use your astrology chart to determine this). VALUE $1000 

  • Detailed notes from our call including the specific copy outlining the most valuable benefits of your offer, the most important parts of your story to use to sell the offer, the core desires of your client and a clear action plan to develop your messaging and complete your sales page. VALUE $500

  • You’ll also receive content prompts based on your unique astrology chart to guide you to speak to your most compatible soul clients and share the juiciest parts of your story that clearly articulate your gifts and well-earned wisdom throughout your life. VALUE $450.

  •  You’ll have access to 2 weeks of voice message coaching n Voxer (with your questions answered Tuesdays through Thursdays) with edits and feedback on your sales page copy until it’s complete, and any of your other questions answered to start creating content to fill your high ticket offer. VALUE $1000

  • A Brand Storytelling Questionnaire to complete before our call to get clear on your vision and story that we’ll refine during our call. VALUE $250

  • My Sales Pages That Sell Template for you to follow to understand exactly how to talk about your work and your story to target ready to buy clients that you can reuse for any offer you launch in the future. VALUE $500.

  •  My Tap Into Your Writing Flow Creative Practice Training (15 mins) to build the tools to break through resistance to consistently create money-making content and have fun doing it. VALUE $100.

  •  Write Powerful CTAs, Claim Your Storyteller Identity & Connect to Dream Clients with Ease. (50 mins) Training & guided meditation. VALUE $200.

  • Meditation For Dream Client Connection & Magnetization (6 minutes) Value $50

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Cosmic Sales Intensive$1500

  • Total payment
  • 1xCosmic Sales Intensive$1500

All prices in USD
