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Astrology Reading Special 

1 x 45 minute live call for your personalised chart reading 

3 Days of Voxer Integration after our call (Tues-Wed)

Discover what's written in your astrology chart to:

  • Stop wondering about who you're destined to serve and collaborate with through your work in the world and understand EXACTLY what the people who MOST want to hire you are really looking for.  

  • Discover your unique superpowers that make you VERY desirable to the soul mate clients, collaborators or ogranizations who will pay you the BIG bucks.

  • Reveal the parts of your story will attract your most valuable client relationships when you lead with them in your branding, marketing, interviews, negotiations and sales conversations.

  • Clarify the topics you can focus on in your brand storytelling and online presence that will get you noticed, blow up your reach and engagement so you feel authentically connected with more of your people.

  • Uncover the parts of your life that are here to teach and transform you to become the most liberated, creatively-free, impactuful and fullfilled version of yourself in this lifetime so you can fast-track your progress.

  • Face the core wound that you're here to heal that will bring you the most valuable wisdom and powerful impact when you master and share it. 

  • Learn dates should you pay attention to for making more money and attracting more success.

  • Learn specific stratgies to work more in alignment with your natural creativity and tap into your innate genius.

Come away with deep understanding, self-compassion and self-acceptance for all of who you are, with passionate inspiration and clear next steps to  align your daily life and work with your destiny to reach the success and financal abunadance possible for you in this lifetime. 

Astrology has allowed me to create so much more ease, flow and alignment in my life and work. I now attract soul mate colabroators and clients in fun ways that align with my natural gifts and feel more and more effortless every year. Money flows with ease and joy. My brand and online presence attracts soul mate clients, sales and opportunities for visiblity and impact with ease 24-7. I can evolve and create any new opportunity I desire when I leveage my astrology chart - no more fear, doubt or impatience - only FLOW & FUN! 

Are you ready to find out what your chart can tell you?

These readings are available until Oct 23rd only at this special pricing - so book now! 

Book Your Session Today

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1:1 Astrology Reading (45 mins)$333

  • Total payment
  • 1x1:1 Astrology Reading (45 mins)$333

All prices in USD
